Sunday, May 20, 2007

trying new things on this blog

i'm going to try a few things on this blog.

i'd like to share the curriculum in a way that is more readily ascertainable and accessible. while the blog entries have been in part an attempt to do this, i've decided it would also be helpful to start trying to make digital videos and files connected to what we're covering in class.

to that end, i've gone ahead and created a YouTube account and Photobucket account. the YouTube account holds MPEG4 videos dealing with things we're learning, and the Photobucket account contains course curriculum documents. i hope to add to both on a periodic basis. while the YouTube videos are not downloadable, i think the Photobucket files are.

i've added links to both on this blog under the "Links" section. the YouTube link should take you directly to the YouTube channel for this blog ("jonathanonapath"). the Photobucket link should take you to my Photobucket account, which contains sub-albums of curriculum documents (right now, i have "bagua qi-gong" and "bagua forms").

let me know if they're helpful.

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