Monday, February 18, 2008

days 103 & 104: midterms

  • yang long form
i had a slight hitch this week. i started to feel sick over the weekend, and seeing that Ironman New Zealand was only 3 weeks away, i decided to try and nip this bug in the bud before it became too bad, and so skipped the Tuesday class. i checked with a few of the other students to see what had been covered, and also reviewed the video, and from what i could tell i didn't miss too much (although, you never really know what you missed if you weren't there to know what was covered, do you?...).

also, this week was midterms, with all of Thursday spent on midterms for the class. as a result, i didn't cover a lot, and don't really have much to post.

but don't worry, there'll be yang tai chi stuff next week.

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