Wednesday, February 11, 2009

day 205: more shuai jiao

  • lines
  • shuai jiao
this was the 3rd shuai jiao lesson. there's a slight hiccup, with 2 out of the remaining 4 students dropping out for financial reasons. this leaves Viet and me. we've been working on ways to recruit more people for the class, but it's a work in progress. we had one of Sifu's other tai chi students (a woman, and from what i know a phd student), join us for today, making it 3. Viet and i are distributing fliers around campus, so we'll see if anybody responds.

the lesson today was a continuation with the previous classes. we began class by practicing falling, and then learning more lines. we spent the bulk of class practicing the applications, particularly a few which proved to be more difficult than they first appeared.

we finished around 8, and spent a few minutes discussing the fliers and other options for recruiting.

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